The WaveVital Home is the smallest and most powerful bioresonance device, initially designed to enhance the efficiency of doctors and therapists with their patients. However, it quickly became clear that our clients could also greatly benefit from the convenience of WaveVital Home.
With WaveVital Home, you can easily take your personalized bioresonance program wherever you go. After each session, your unique program is saved digitally on an SD card for use with the device. Simply switch on the WaveVital Home and wear it on your body to activate your bioresonance therapy anytime, anywhere.
WaveVital Home is especially beneficial as a supplement to regular bioresonance sessions for managing chronic conditions. It’s also ideal for preventative care and promoting overall well-being.
This smallest and very powerful bioresonance device was actually developed for doctors and therapists to make them more efficient in dealing with their patients. However, the great benefits of the WaveVital Home soon became apparent to our customers too.
After each session, you can take your own personal bioresonance program with you, wherever you go, and let it work. It is saved on an SD-card that is inserted into the WaveVital Home device. By simply switching it on and wearing it on your body, you can then activate your bioresonance program virtually anywhere.
WaveVital Home is, in addition to the normal bioresonance session, particularly helpful for chronic problems and can also be worn for prevention.